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The Academy

Our programmes have been created to help people navigate the challenges of working together through change. Visual collaboration can transform the quality and depth to which teams work at.

Our workshops often form part of a bigger conversation around working culture. Providing a collective and systemic language can be more effective than individual up-skilling.

Visual Thinking Fundamentals
This workshop explores the foundational skills of Visual Thinking. It is designed to give a team the tools to start using their visual mind to solve problems and communicate more effectively. The workshop focuses on building creative confidence and learning new ways to develop, express and test ideas with others.
Duration: 1day
Participants: 6-12px
Part I
Visual literacy
Processing info
Visual Thinking Fundamentals B
For teams in business
Similar to 'Fundamentals A', this course focuses on the foundation of how we use visual thinking to communicate and think with greater clarity. It provides an overview of this way of working and a focus on building confidence and offering tools. The course is geared to teams who are looking to develop a shared language who might already have some experience of innovation.
Duration: 1day
Participants: 6-12px
Part I
Visual literacy
Processing info
Developing Visual Thinking: Intermediate
This course builds on the Fundamentals learnt in part I and is a deeper dive in to visual mapping and collaboration. It is a practical exploration in how to use drawing to aid your thinking process and that of a group.
Duration: 1day
Participants: 6-12px
Part II
Visual literacy
Processing info
Digital Drawing skills
This half day workshop offers an introduction to drawing on the Ipad using the digital tool Procreate. Learn how to turn your written data or doodles in to more refined sketches that communicate with character. It doesn't matter if you don't think you can draw, this tool is a great way to build and edit drawings without any experience.

Get in touch for more details
Duration: 3hours
Participants: 4-20px
Student examples
Customised Visual Thinking for your business
Get in touch to discuss how training can be customised for your business needs
Get in touch

I can't draw and I'm embarrassed by my drawings

Then you won't be alone and quite frankly it's not surprising if you haven't practised since you were 9. You won't be the only one to feel this way. Luckily, visual thinking is not about being a great technical artist (phew). Our courses are all about how you think and communicate with fluency. Part of that is building confidence and a visual toolkit, the rest is your creativity. We create a safe and playful space to overcome any fears you have around drawing.

I think in a visual way, but my some of my team avoid it. Would this work for my team?

It's understandable that some of your team might show some resistance. Perhaps they are afraid of looking silly. Why would they want to change? If you want to introduce a powerful way of thinking and generating then it is helpful for everyone to understand the structure of it, even if not everyone wants to master it.

We are not designers but we want to get better at communicating with each other, would this still work for us?

Absolutely. Visual thinking is particularly good at improving communication. A drawing gives a centre of gravity for a conversation, a chance for someone to say 'yes, like that' or 'not quite, perhaps with more of x [pen moves messily on roll of paper].'

We want to use visuals more but we're worried about our bosses thinking we are not taking our work seriously.

Some may judge you, but in our experience, the bosses love it. They benefit from your clearer grasp and communication of an idea and they often come searching to learn these skills too. The good ones want to learn and are willing to go on the learning path with you.

Here are some of the principles behind how the courses are structured.

1. Playfully unattached

People need to be enjoying themselves when they are learning. Being unattached to the outcome, creates far richer and more creative results.

2. Group participation

Most of your learning comes from others. A safe space to learn is fundamental.

3. Beginners mind

We encourage a child-like beginners mindset, where we leave any of our judgement at the door.

4. Personal voice

Everybody has something unique to say in a unique way. Our aim is to facilitate an environment where people get to see know their voice a bit more.

5. Curious about change

Either you get driven by fear or you invite it along for the ride. We prefer the invitation.

"But I can't draw"
Don't worry, it's not about that.
See FAQs for more info.